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25 March 2022 | Amsterdam, NL – Just published in StemJournal is a study reporting that the earliest common hematopoietic and endothelial precursor designed as hemangioblast is highly expanded in stem...

31 January 2022 | Amsterdam, NL – The first StemJournal newsletter of 2022 features an extract from the new review article on the topic of transdifferentiation now published in Volume 4, a reminder to...

5 May 2021 | Amsterdam, NL – Hidenori Akutsu, MD, PhD, director of the Department of Reproductive Medicine at the National Center for Child Health and Development in Tokyo, Japan and StemJournal Edito...

29 October 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – Juan Alvarez-Dominguez, PhD, postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University and StemJournal Editorial Board member, discusses the main focus of his research that is...

23 September 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – Torsten B. Meissner, PhD, an instructor in surgery at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, discusses cell replacement therapy and ongoing studies to overcome the...

6 February 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – Martin Rodriguez-Porcel, cardiologist at Mayo Clinic and StemJournal Editorial Board member, discusses the main focus of his research that is featured in the journal...

24 April 2019 | Amsterdam, NL – StemJournal, a new open access, peer-reviewed journal published by IOS Press, announces publication of its inaugural article, “Combining Stem Cells and Biomaterial...

15 Mar 2019 | Amsterdam, NL – Stephanie Willerth discusses her research and how she came to be one of the first authors to be published in StemJournal.