
Other Content

Guidelines for Submitting Other Content

submit  Submissions are welcomed via Editorial Manager. Click on the button to send us your manuscript. First, please see the guidelines.

Short Reports
A short report is an article of original scholarship of unusual interest of less than 2000 words ("Introduction" through "Discussion"). An abstract of 100 words or less should be included with no subdivison of the abstract into sections. References should be formatted as above. A total of three tables and/or figures are allowed. Submissions that exceed the word or figure/table limits will be considered a Research Report. Supplementary Material for Short Reports is limited to 500 words and 1 table or figure.

A hypothesis article should be a balanced and insightful consideration of a topic with novel hypotheses well-presented and supported. The article should be prepared as a Research Report but without "Methods" or "Results" sections.

Book Reviews
Book reviews should be 750 words or less and without sections. While most reviews are commissioned, suggestions can be proposed to the Editor-in-Chief.

Letters to the Editor
Authors can submit comments of 1000 words or less concerning prior articles published in StemJournal or elsewhere to the Editor-in-Chief through the Editorial Office (stemjournal@iospress.com) for possible inclusion at our online site as a Letter to the Editor. Letters will be shared with the authors of the original article for possible response prior to posting. Alternatively, a Letter to the Editor-in-Chief can contain a short commentary, opinion or statement, shorter than would warrant an Opinion Piece or Commentary.

Opinions/Position Papers
Opinion Papers provide readers with a snapshot update of a highly topical subject in which the author shares their perspective and thoughts on advances and critical issues in the field and speculates on potential outcomes and future developments. These articles are not intended to provide a comprehensive review of a subject area, rather the intention is to help foster debate and discussion around key areas of stem cell biology and stem cell therapy. Position Papers present an arguable opinion about an issue and can be supported by reasonable preponderance of empirical evidence.

Opinion and Position Papers are normally by invitation; however, spontaneous submissions may be considered. Please contact one of the Editors-in-Chief or Senior Editors before submission. Opinion guidelines:

  • These articles should have a maximum of 1000 words (excluding the abstract and references) and should have an abstract and 3–5 key words
  • Up to 4 figures or tables and 10 references may be included
  • To include more words, figures, tables, and references, please get approval of one of the Editors-in-Chief or Senior Editors
  • The format of the Title Page, Authorship, Abstract, Keywords, Figures, Tables, References, and Disclosures should follow that for Research Reports
  • There are no APCs for Opinion or Position Paper articles

Poster Reports
Poster Reports are short reports based on a poster presentation at a meeting. The content should follow the poster presentation and should fall within the Aims & Scope of StemJournal. For guidelines on how to prepare your manuscript for submission, please go here.

Ethics Reviews
The goal of an Ethics Review is to address ethical issues that alter progress in stem cell research, clinical applications, and policy. Ultimately the aim is to highlight and target unresolved issues where failure to act or resolve disagreements leads to bottlenecks in productivity in research, policy, and clinical applications. Ethics Review is slightly different from a StemJournal typical review in that that the topics and presentation are balanced but controversial so that they would likely elicit Ethics Responses. Ethics Responses from multiple disciplines and perspectives are encouraged. Whereas addressing controversial topics is encouraged, reviews should focus on constructively moving debates forward to accelerate progress.

Features of an effective an Ethics Review are as follows:

  1. Clearly identify points of disagreement and agreement in the field noting where empirical data are lacking or present that could resolve disagreements.
  2. Highlight current empirical findings that are relevant to resolving controversial topics in novel ways with productive cross disciplinary applications.
  3. Identify novel applications from fields not typically related to stem cell research and therapeutic prospects which could enhance implementation and ethics.

The manuscripts should be consistent with the current standards for StemJournal. As with other StemJournal review articles, submissions should be authoritative and topical and provide comprehensive and balanced coverage of a timely and/or controversial issue. Reviews should be prepared as detailed above for a Research Report, omitting "Introduction" through "Discussion", and include a "Conclusion".

Ethics Responses
The purpose of the Ethics Response is to engage interdisciplinary constructive interaction between the author(s) of the Ethics Review and an author who wishes to provide balance and perspective. Authors of an Ethics Response should provide substantive elaboration and references. There should be a title and the number of words can range between 750 to 1500, with no more than 10 citations (reference limit will be less strictly enforced).

The Ethics Review will be distributed and responses will be requested. Potential authors should give a brief synopsis of their response in no more than 4 sentences by the target proposal date. These proposals will be reviewed and if accepted they will be allowed to write an Ethics Response in time for that second deadline. Acceptance of a proposal is no guarantee that the Ethics Response is accepted. The format of the Ethics Responses will be the same as for a Commentary.