

Submission Guidelines

submit  Submissions are welcomed via Editorial Manager. Click on the button to send us your manuscript. First, please see the guidelines (links below).

Open Access Journal

StemJournal is an open access journal.

The APC for the journal is US$2100.

Authors may be eligible for discounts to their APC via open access agreements that Sage has with participating institutions. Discounts depend on the terms of the agreement, find out if your institution is participating by visiting the institutional agreements page at IOS Press. Eligibility is determined by the corresponding author’s affiliation at acceptance matching an agreement.

Your article may be eligible for a full or partial waiver due to our participation in initiatives to increase accessibility to publication across the international academic community. More information about discounts and eligibility.

Instruction for Authors

Whether you wish to submit a Research Report, Review Article, or a new Protocol to be considered for publication in StemJournal, we ask you to read through all the author guidelines and relevant information enclosed via the links below. We also publish other content such as, Short Reports, Hypotheses, Letters to the Editor, Commentaries, Ethics Reviews, Ethics Responses, and Book Reviews; see the guidelines on this page. If you are interested to submit such content and have any queries/comments, please email: stemjournal@iospress.com

All submissions are peer reviewed (single-blind) and all submissions are checked for plagiarism using the iThenticate tool. The peer review comments are published alongside the accepted article in the journal as supplemental files.

For a full list of the topics covered in the journal, see:

Submission guidelines for:

See also: