
StemJournal & StemBook: Engaging With the Stem Cell Community

STJ news

29 Nov 2018 | Amsterdam, NL  The launch of StemJournal is an excellent complement to the IOS Press growing portfolio of publications, particularly our titles in neurodegenerative diseases and cancer research, that report advancements in the field of stem cell research. This is just one avenue by which our authors and readers can engage with the stem cell community.


Amsterdam, NL  The launch of StemJournal is an excellent complement to the IOS Press growing portfolio of publications, particularly our titles in neurodegenerative diseases and cancer research, that report advancements in the field of stem cell research. This is just one avenue by which our authors and readers can engage with the stem cell community.

If you are reading this news item, then – congratulations! – you have discovered the brand new website of the equally brand new StemJournal. Our new, open access journal is a vehicle for communicating outstanding stem cell research and this site, we hope, will be a vital portal for the stem cell community. Along with the open access online forum StemBook – the well-known site that has recently been relaunched, check it out at stembook.org – these two sister publications are the first components in our forthcoming portal StemHub.

To get the most out of the site, we encourage you to register (head up to the top right corner; it's very quick and totally painless). Only registered users can engage fully with the site and be sure of accessing all the very latest news (for non-logged-in users, content is cached and updated every few hours). 

We see this online forum as being the seed for building a community, and for its users to engage with each other by commenting on content and starting discussions. You can also submit comments directly to the journal team by email: stemjournal@iospress.com.

As this is a new journal, there is no published content as yet. In this early phase of the publication, we are simply getting the word out there. We have issued a Call for Papers, and we welcome submissions to the journal.

Finally, we call on users of the site to help us catch a wider net and spread news of our new journal and online stem cell platforms. Why not join with us in the discussion? You can follow us on Twitter (currently the StemBook account is more active until the journal site is "officially" launched in 2019).

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