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6 Nov 2018 | Skokie, IL, USA – Douglas Melton, the President of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) and founding editor of StemBook, has outlined in an open letter a new format...

1 Nov 2018 | Amsterdam, NL – With the launch of StemJournal, our open access forum for communicating outstanding research in stem cell biology, the field is opened to new scientific contributions from...

13 Oct 2018 | Cambridge, MA, USA – Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences were able to produce healthy mice with two mothers that went on to have normal offspring of their own. Mice from two...

12 Oct 2018 | Denver, CO, USA – CDK1 is a “normal” protein – its presence drives cells through the cycle of replication. And MHC Class I molecules are “normal” as well – they present bits of proteins...

11 Oct 2018 | Saitama, Japan – A research group led by scientists from Showa University and the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research have, for the first time, succeeded in growing three...

10 Oct 2018 | Atlanta, GA, USA – Cells' metabolic needs are not uniform across the brain, researchers have learned. "Knocking out" an enzyme that regulates mitochondria, cells' miniature power plants...

4 Oct 2018 | Los Angeles, CA, USA – UCLA researchers have discovered a common process in the development of late-stage, small cell cancers of the prostate and lung. These shared molecular mechanisms...

2 Oct 2018 | Barcelona, Spain – Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation have identified the mechanism by which an important enzyme involved in the differentiation of stem cells is brought to...

2 Oct 2018 | Kanazawa, Japan – A Japan-based research team led by Kanazawa University has identified the MAPK Erk5 as a novel player controlling skeletogenesis. Their research sheds light on the...

1 Oct 2018 | Cleveland, OH, USA – In two newly published papers, a scientific team at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine reports on the discovery and implementation of a new, more...