

High-dimensional mass cytometry reveals stemness state heterogeneity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Ervin EH, Ahern D, Liu F, Rendek A, Soonawalla Z, Oppermann U, Hulley P, Pauklin S.
Preprint from
1 March 2024
Stem-like cancer cells harbour high self-renewal capacity, exhibit enhanced tumourigenicity and have been associated with therapy resistance, metastasis and tumour relapse. Therefore, understanding the molecular features of stem-like cells is critical for targeting them effectively and improving treatment outcomes for cancer patients. Several markers have been used to isolate and study the putative stem-like cells of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), but the patterns of marker co-expression and overlap between identified individual subpopulations are yet to be comprehensively studied. Here we developed a mass cytometry antibody panel for simultaneous analysis of 33 stemness-associated markers at single-cell resolution. High-dimensional mass cytometry analysis of PDAC cell lines revealed molecularly heterogeneous stemness states and highlighted the role of genotype in determining the cell line-specific stemness signature. Stemness marker expression lie along a continuum in PDAC cell lines and patient samples indicative of stepwise phenotypic transitions. We also identified a subset of PDAC cells co-expressing high levels of Musashi-2, DCLK1 and CXCR4, and harbouring basal-like and EMT transcriptional programmes associated with highly plastic phenotype. This multiplexed analysis uncovers nuance and complexities of the stemness state in the PDAC.