

The Role of Stem Cells as Therapeutics for Ischaemic Stroke

Ya J, Pellumbaj J, Hashmat A, Bayraktutan U.
Preprint from
12 December 2023
Stroke remains one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Current reperfusion treatments for ischaemic stroke are limited due to their narrow therapeutic window in rescuing ischaemic penumbra. Stem cell therapy offers a promising alternative. As a regenerative medicine, stem cells offer a wider range of treatment strategies, including long-term intervention for chronic patients, through the reparation and replacement of injured cells via mechanisms of differentiation and proliferation. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the therapeutic role of stem cells for ischaemic stroke. The paper discusses the pathology during acute, subacute, and chronic phases of cerebral ischaemic injury, highlights the mechanisms involved in mesenchymal, endothelial, haematopoietic, and neural stem cell-mediated cerebrovascular regeneration and evaluates the pre-clinical and clinical data concerning the safety and efficacy of stem cell-based treatments. Treatment of stroke patients with different type of stem cells appears to be safe and efficacious even at relatively higher concentrations irrespective of the route and timing of administration. Priming or preconditioning of cells prior to administration appears to help augment their therapeutic impact. However, larger patient cohorts and later phase trials are required to consolidate these findings.