

Therapeutic Potential of Engineered Beige Adipocytes in Metabolic Diseases

Liao Y, He Y, Cai J.
Preprint from
Authorea Preprints
4 April 2023
We sought to characterize the effects of engineered beige fat on metabolic diseases by reviewing its history, examining experimental data, exploring putative mechanisms of action, and predicting its therapeutic future.White adipocytes are highly adaptable and can transform into beige adipocytes with thermogenic capacity, which have beneficial effects in treating metabolic diseases. However, access to beige adipocytes is limited, and treatment efficacy decreases over time. Thus, new approaches are needed to enhance the adaptive thermogenic capacity of beige adipocytes. The investigation revealed that engineered techniques, such as induction of stem cell regeneration, adipocyte gene editing, and adipocyte reprogramming techniques, can generate beige adipose tissue via autologous cell induction, adipose tissue remodeling, and functional biomaterials. Engrafted engineered beige adipocytes can generate large amounts of UCP1-positive adipose tissue in patients with metabolic diseases, paving the way for developing metabolically active beige adipose tissue and expanding its functionality in metabolic therapy. Understanding how engineered beige fats treat metabolic diseases will aid in disease prevention and treatment. These sophisticated tissue engineering systems offer new avenues for generating functional beige adipose tissue in patients with metabolic diseases.