

High-Throughput Screening for Myelination Promoting Compounds Using Human Stem Cell-derived Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells Identifies Novel Targets

Li W, Berlinicke C, Huang Y, Fang W, Chen C, Takaesu F, Chang X, Duan Y, Chang C, Mao H, Sheng G, Giera S, Dodge JC, Ji H, Madden S, Zack DJ, Chamling X.
Preprint from
20 January 2022


Promoting myelination capacity of endogenous oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) is a promising therapeutic approach for central nervous system demyelinating disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). To aid in the discovery of myelination promoting compounds, we generated an advanced, genome engineered, human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) line that consist of three reporters (identification-and-purification tag, GFP, and secreted NanoLuc) driven by the endogenous PDGFRα , PLP1 and MBP genes, respectively. Based upon this line, we established a high-throughput drug screening platform and performed a small molecule screen with 2500 bioactive molecules. In addition to a number of previously known pathways, our screening effort identified new pathways whose inhibition enhance oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination. Although further genetic and molecular validation is required, the identified inhibitors could potentially be repurposed to develop remyelination therapy for MS and other demyelinating disorders.