

Human Blastocyst is Susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 Infection based on Protein Level Examination of Key Entry Factors in Human Oocytes and Early Embryos

liu x, Ma B, Zhou L.
Preprint from
Research Square
15 March 2021


ACE2, TMPRSS2 and NRP1 are key factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Here, we used immunofluorescence to examine the expression patterns of ACE2, TMPRSS2 and NRP1 in human oocytes and different stages of preimplantation embryos to investigated the susceptibility to be infected by SARS-CoV-2.Methods We collected human GV oocytes and different stages of early embryos donated by patients and then performed immunofluorescence followed by confocal microscopy for signals of ACE2, TMPRSS2 and NRP1 proteins in these oocytes and embryos.Results We found that ACE2 was abundant in both inner cell mass and trophectoderm at blastocyst stage, while TMPRSS2 was mainly enriched in trophectoderm. Both of the two factors had faint signal in cleavage embryos and oocytes. In contrast, NRP1 was barely detectable in oocytes or any stage of early embryos. Conclusion Taken together, we propose that human blastocysts, instead of human oocytes and other stages of early embryos, are susceptible to be infected by SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, specific attention should be paid to manipulation of human blastocysts in assisted reproductive technology.